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1st Step is 
Qualifying for a New Medical Cannabis Card 

Taking the first step is easier with someone to assist you in navigating Utah State's electronic verification system. This is a Telehealth appointment.

When you are online for your scheduled appointment, we discuss your qualifying condition and your medical  records the State mandates Tadler Hoopes Center to obtain. 

Some patients do not know what qualifying conditions in the state are and that is ok! We are here to help, that is part of the call, we can discuss your previous diagnosis, symptoms, and what brings you to wanting/needing access to the Utah State Medical Cannabis Program.


Once we are able to identify a Qualifying Condition together. We then go through the steps of gathering your supporting medical records, current Utah ID, and review the payment to the state of $15 and the separate payment of $174 to Tadler Hoopes you are then ready for your in person appointment with the Doctor.


Doctor Checking a Form
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